When in Doubt, Use Prime Coat

When Implemented Correctly, Prime Coat:

  • Prevents moisture from entering the base layer and granular bases.
  • Improves the structural integrity of your roads for safer travel.
  • Provides adhesion between base and the next course of treatment, similar to a tack coat or bond coat.
  • Reduces traffic delays because of more minimal construction work.
  • Saves money by preventing base failure.
  • Reduces costly reworking of the base before paving.

Most typically utilized in traditional road design, when you have a prime coat applied, it bonds loose material particles on the surface of the base before applying a following layer of asphalt. The fine particles in the base are critical to developing the structural integrity of the entire cross section and eliminating costly base repairs due to moisture.

During Construction

Prime coat can also be used in waterproofing the base during construction. This allows increased traffic flow and minimal delays for taxpayers.

Keep The Moisture Out!

Prime coat penetrates the surface of a base 1-2 centimeters deep, plugging capillary voids from the surface and preventing water from entering the base layer. In bases with fine particles, the prime coat serves as a strengthening barrier to effectively prevent base failure caused by moisture. This is especially important during rainy weather conditions.

The emulsion must penetrate the first few milimeters of the layer very quickly
Prime coat will not succeed if the emulsion is of viscosity that does not correspond to the gravel or has too high a breaking speed.