Go The Distance

Make your resources go the distance with engineered solutions.

With today’s failing infrastructure, a critical tool in the pavement manager’s toolbox is the reuse of valuable existing resources.

Research shows that powerful technologies behind recycling and reclamation treatments offer triple benefits of major economic savings, reduced environmental impact, and precision engineering for stronger, smarter roads.

  • Lower Costs

    • Between 20-50% less expensive than traditional mill and fill or remove & replace

    • Reuse of materials in-place saves on purchase, excavation, trucking, and reduces burden on surrounding roads

  • Engineering Advantages

    • Achieve structural values similar to HMA

    • Enhance road performance with better strength, impermeability, and flexibility

    • Eliminate the need for a leveling course and address re-profiling and road widening

    • Increase work crew safety with cold processes

  • Environmental Benefits

    • Reuse up to 100% of existing materials, often in-place, preserving valuable non-renewable resources

    • Reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions with reduced trucking & heating- especially relevant for non-attainment areas

  • Time Savings

    • Many treatments can be opened to traffic immediately upon completion

    • In-place work eliminates time for trucking and hauling

    • Decreased construction times minimize impact to the traveling public and businesses

Your greatest resource is the pavement you’ve already paid for.

Between 80,000,000 and 100,000,000 tons of RAP are milled off US roads each year.

In Virginia alone, the current RAP stockpile could pave a 12 foot lane, 6 inches deep, all the way from Virginia to Utah.

Performance you can count on, Innovation you can trust.

Research within the industry continues to validate the reliability, longevity, and structural equivalency of recycling and reclamation treatments. Many treatments achieve the same or higher structural numbers as conventional remove-and-replace methods. With proven technology, pavement engineers globally are re-engineering cross sections that reuse existing materials while achieving major structural gains, and saving significant time and money.

Learn More About Recycling & Reclamation treatments

Which Treatment is
Right for my Road

Treatment Resource Center:
Recycling Treatments