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Early NCAT Results Favor Preservation

Preliminary findings illustrate the benefits of pavement preservation

Full-scale accelerated pavement testing has been conducted for predominantly southern states at the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) Pavement Test Track since 2000. Preliminary findings are illustrating the benefits of pavement preservation. Read More

Collaboration: AEMA, ARRA, ISSA, FP2 and FHWA

Representatives to continue to work on collaborative industry efforts

Continuing ongoing biannual collaborative meetings, representatives of AEMA, ARRA, and ISSA met on January 18 with representatives from FP2 and FHWA to continue to work on industry efforts to promote pavement preservation and recycling. Read the Full Article

AEMA, ARRA, and ISSA Hold Hybrid Summer Board Meetings

For the first time in more than 18 months, the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA), Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA), and the International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) Board of Directors came together respectively, in-person and virtually, June 8 and 9, ...

Legislative Call to Action

From ARRA Past President, John Rathbun

Two months ago, we were all preparing for two important events relating to the critical needs of our infrastructure.  The first was the April 23rd PPRA hosted webinar “The Damn Roads Still Need Fixed,” followed by the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) congressional fly-in scheduled for ...

Keep Painting Roads Black

Asphalt better for the environment long-term

Historically, concrete has been preferred over asphalt for environmental reasons, but science is starting to see another side. READ MORE

ARRA Members Promote Pavement Preservation and Recycling on Capitol Hill

Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) Fly In Provides Opportunities to Meet Key Legislative Staff

Joining more than 400 other transportation industry representatives, a group of ARRA member representatives and FP2 staff participated in the annual Transportation Construction Coalition’s (TCC) 2018 Legislative Fly-In this past May 15-16. Read More

Texas DOT Interstate 10 Project Recognized with AEMA Past President's Award

AEMA presents award to TxDOT, Kiewit Construction, and Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.

At the 45th Annual Meeting of the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association, February 20-23, 2018 in Indian Wells, CA, the Texas Department of Transportation, Kiewit Construction, and Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc. were awarded the 2018 AEMA Past President’s Award for Emulsion Excellence fo...

AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Host Their 22nd Consecutive Annual Meeting

The Asphalt Emulsions Manufacturing Association (AEMA), Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA), and International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) came together in Rancho Mirage, California from March 3-7 for their 22nd consecutive Annual Meeting. This Annual Meeting brought tog...

AEMA, ARRA, and ISSA Hold Virtual Board Meetings

The AEMA, ARRA, and ISSA Boards of Directors met June 15-17, 2020 to review and direct the business of the associations. Due to the current pandemic, each board met virtually, a first for all.   On June 15, the ARRA Board reviewed 2020 activities and progress made in the final months of the curr...

NCAT Research Leads to Improved Use of CCPR in VDOT Project

Virgina's I-81 & I-64 Pavement Recycling Project

During the 2018 NCAT Test Track Conference that ran from March 27-29 in Auburn, Alabama, highlighting results from NCAT’s sixth testing cycle, the practical application of the testing and research conducted on the track was highlighted by several presentations on Virginia Department of Transporta...

FHWA Expert Task Group Defines World-Class Preservation Program

Top 10 List of Characteristics Associated with a “World-Class” Pavement Preservation Program

To assist agencies in identifying gaps within their pavement preservation programs, the Federal Highway Administration's Pavement Preservation Expert Task Group has developed a top 10 list of characteristics that are associated with a "world-class" pavement preservation program. READ MORE

Agency, Contractor Certification Marks New Era in Preservation

As Pavement Preservation Spreads So are Certifications

The concept of pavement preservation is spreading across the United States, and as agencies get serious about it -- and federal dollars begin to be used for preservation -- certification of agency forces and contractors also has taken a foothold. READ MORE

What’s Next: The Value of NCAT and MnROAD Research

As illustrated in many of the findings shared at the 2018 NCAT Test Track Conference, March 27-29, 2018, in Auburn, AL, results of these research experiments are helping to grow both acceptance and usage pavement preservation and recycling. READ MORE

Mark Breslin to Keynote the 2021 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting

With the 2021 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting nearly two months away, February 15-18, Program Chairs Bob Huitt, Jonathan Pease and Dave Welborn are working hard to provide attendees with a virtual experience that includes presentations from industry leaders. Mark Breslin, Breslin Strategies, Inc, ...

Three Honorees Recognized with ARRA Special Recognition Awards

Public Officials and Consulting Engineers Honored for Making a Difference in the Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Industry

Each year, via the ARRA Special Recognition Awards, ARRA recognizes public officials and consulting engineers who have made outstanding contributions to the asphalt recycling and reclaiming industry.  READ MORE

FP2 Continues to Advocate for PPRA

FP2 has been following the transportation and infrastructure activities since the introduction of the House bill in 2019 and all the additional work by both the Senate and House Committees ever since.  Related to the most recent infrastructure bill specifically, we have been advocating on the fol...

AEMA, ARRA, and ISSA Host Summer Board Meetings at NCAT

Coming together, the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturing Association (AEMA), Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA), and International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA), met in Auburn, Alabama, May 23 and 24, 2023, for their individual Board Meetings. During this time, the three Board...

2023 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting had Record-Breaking Attendance

The Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA), Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA), and International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA), came together for the 20th time for the 2023 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting in Litchfield Park, Arizona, February 27- March 3. With n...

Industry Associations Continue Collaboration with FHWA

AEMA, ARRA, ISSA, FP2, and FHWA Meet on August 23

On August 23, at U.S. Department of Transportation headquarters in Washington, DC, members of AEMA, ARRA, ISSA, and FP2 again met with FHWA staff to work together on efforts to promote pavement preservation and recycling.  AEMA President Mark Ishee and Secretary/Treasurer Bob Huitt, ARRA Secreta...

Former Navy Seal, JP Dinnell, Set to Keynote the AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting

Coming together for their 16th combined annual meeting, February 18-21, 2019 in Cancun, Mexico, the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA), Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA), and International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) are thrilled to welcome former Navy S...

Transitions and Recognition at the 2019 PPRA Annual Meeting

At the 16th combined annual meeting of the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association, the Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association, and the International Slurry Surfacing Association, nearly 260 members, industry representatives, and spouses witnessed transitions in leadership and recognit... Webinar Now Available

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Midwestern Pavement Preservation Partnership Annual Meeting Highlights Use of Preservation Treatments

Attendees listen to presentations at the 2018 Midwestern Pavement Preservation Partnership Annual Meeting. Photo courtesy of FP2. Earlier this month, nearly 140 attendees gathered at the Midwestern Pavement Preservation Partnership Annual Meeting in Madison, WI, November 6-8.  This...

Looking Ahead to the 2022 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting

Coming together collectively for the 19th consecutive year, the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA), the Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA) and the International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) are excited to be back in-person for the Annual Meeting, February ...

What’s to Come for the 2023 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting

Coming together for the 20th consecutive year, the Asphalt Emulsions Manufactures Association (AEMA), Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA), and International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) are looking forward to bringing the future of the industry to forefront of this Annual...