Cold Planing & Micro Milling

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Application Sequence

1. Set up traffic control

2. Mark any utilities or underground obstructions

3. Mill the pavement to the desired depth, cross-slope or grade

4. Load the milling into haul trucks and remove RAP to designated area

5. Sweep/clean milled surfaces prior to opening the road to temporary traffic 

6. Apply new wearing surface, if required


Application Guidelines

Control Strip

  • If required, a control strip should be placed at the beginning of the project to evaluate the equipment, construction methodology, workmanship and to verify that the construction process meets specification requirements


  • Check the milling depth and cross-slope behind the cold planer
  • Check the milling surface uniformity (texture) by use of a sand path test as described in CP101 and CP102
  • Check for dull or broken cutting teeth, indicated by a wavy surface, and replace as necessary
  • Observe loading of milled material into haul trucks for and sweep up any spilled RAP
  • After milling, clean the pavement of any fine particles and be sure any generated dust does not impede work zone traffic

Return to Traffic

  • Temporary traffic can be returned to the milled surface after the surface has been cleaned of all loose materials and if the remaining pavement structure is sufficient to support the applied loads