Full Depth Reclamation

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Cost Benefits

The FDR processes have an increased speed of construction and are more environmentally friendly than deep rehabilitation or reconstruction procedures.

  • FDR cuts down on greenhouse gasses by reducing and/or eleminating the use of new materials. Most or all existing on-site materials can be used in the FDR process.
  • By eliminating or reducing the use of new materials and by using on-site materials there is no need to dispose of any materials.

Factors that may Impact Cost

  • Size of project
  • Project Phasing: Multiple location projects vs. single location projects (5-mile job on 1 road vs 1-mile job in 5 different places)
  • Traffic maintenance (closed local traffic only vs. alternate traffic patterns through the project)
  • Urban work (manholes / catch basins, intersection control add to cost) vs rural work
  • Night work (costs more for labor but less traffic disruptions)
  • Bidding/Tender date vs Completion date, number of working days
  • Raw material pricing (stabilizing agent)
  • Competitive bids (number of contractors in Region)

Decrease Cost Without Affecting Quality

  • Perform preconstruction testing and evaluation (drainage, subgrade, structure, etc)
  • Incorporate FDR section into structural design
  • Provide mix design with bidding/tender
  • Provide cores to give contractor better assessment of existing material
  • Early bidding/tender closing (ideally Oct-Dec for the next year’s work)
  • Clear, constructable specifications and QC requirements
  • Fair assignment of risk
  • Inclusion of FDR in a yearly overall pavement management plan