Cold Central Plant Recycling
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Traffic Control

Traffic control using pilot car

Traffic control is required both for the safety of the traveling public and the employees performing the work.

  • Traffic control devices should be clean, visable and in compliance with the Federal Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
  • Installation of a lane closure or detour shall be in compliance with local or state standards
  • For residential or business districts, advanced notifications of lane closures and parking restrictions is essential to a successful project and happy residents.
  • On two lane roadways, maintain one-way traffic through the construction zone with appropriate traffic control such as flaggers, lane demarcation devices and/or pilot vehicles.
  • Traffic may be allowed back on the recycled mat at reduced speed once the mat has sufficiently cured. Slow speed traffic can actually help the curing process.
  • If raveling is a concern, after CCPR compaction has been achieved and prior to opening the pavement to traffic, a light application of fog seal can be applied.
  • Since tire pick-up of the recycled mixture can occur, traffic should remain off the fog seal until it has cured.
  • A light application of blotter sand (or “choke” sand) can be used to absorb excess fog seal and expedite opening of the pavement to traffic.