Micro Surfacing

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Cost Benefits

  • 75% faster construction than traditional mill & resurface treatment, which reduces delays, inconvenience to travelling public, and labor costs.
  • Approximately 50% reduction in life-cycle cost compared to traditional mill & fill treatment.

Factors that may Impact Cost

  • Traffic staging: It is more effective to pave one lane the full job length, than to do both lanes to the same point each day.
  • Urban work vs. rural work: catch basins and intersection control on urban jobs can add to cost.
  • Night work: Night work costs more for labor, but has fewer traffic disruptions.
  • Letting date vs. completion date: Number of working days affects cost.
  • Raw material pricing and accessibility/mobilization: emulsion and aggregate cost variables.
  • Number of contractors in region.

Decrease Cost Without Affecting Quality

  • Early letting closing, ideally October through December for the following year’s work.
  • Clear, constructible specifications, fully understood by inspection staff.
  • Longer lane closures so the process can proceed without waiting to reopen a lane.
  • Consistent annual Micro Surfacing program, such that contractors are comfortable investining in equipment and people.