Micro Surfacing
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Traffic Control

Micro Surfacing Applied during Traffic

Traffic control is required both for the safety of the traveling public and the employees performing the work.

  • The contractor should have an approved Traffic Control Plan to safely and efficiently manage traffic in and around the work zone.
  • Detours should be set up and clearly signed whenever possible, and qualified traffic control personnel used to protect the crew and the completed work from being damaged by traffic. Traffic control should be in place before work forces and equipment enters onto the roadway or into the work zone.
  • Traffic control includes construction signs, construction cones and/or barricades, flag personnel, and pilot cars to direct traffic clear of the maintenance operation.
  • Traffic control devices should be in accordance with agency requirements and, if necessary, conform to the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
  • Traffic control is required to ensure that the micro surfacing has had adequate time to cure prior to reopening to traffic. The curing time will vary depending on the asphalt pavement surface conditions and the weather conditions at the time of application. Any kind of traffic on uncured micro surfacing will cause unsightly tracks.
  • Power steering marks are normal, these will occur for a while after construction, but often minimize as traffic rolls the surface.

Make traffic control a priority and plan the sign layout. Ensure traffic control devices are inspected routinely and use only traffic control devices that are in good condition and highly visible. Locate signs where they are clearly visible and place signs at a distance to give motorist adequate response time.

In residential areas, place a cone at the end of each driveway until the new micro surfacing has cured adequately to carry traffic, and to explain the reason for these cones in the public notifications.