Asphalt emulsion tankers can be any suitable mobile tank such as a specially designed tanker for emulsion, an asphalt distributor or even a water tank. Any tanker should have a correct bottom fitting, usually 75 mm (3 in.), and a suitable top manhole to receive emulsion from the supplier. The manhole can also be used for cleaning, inspection, etc. The tanker should have suitable baffles to prevent undue sloshing. It should be properly vented, have a thermometer and sample line. The tanker should be properly cleaned to prevent contamination of the product being loaded. If possible, use dedicated tankers that haul emulsion only. Table 3-2 Guide for Condition of Emptied Tanks Before Loading Asphalt Emulsions in AEMA’s A Basic Asphalt Emulsion Manual lists suggested cleaning practices. This chart also is valid for storage tanks. Consult your local AEMA emulsion supplier for more specific local practices.