Micro Surfacing
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Micro Surfacing Used as One Treatment on US84

Louisiana Dept. of Transportation and Development awarded a $2.25-million contract for improvements to Vance Brothers for 17.5-miles of US84 and LA Rte. 28 in Catahoula and LaSalle Parishes, with micro surfacing specified as the wearing course for most of the route. 


In the mid-1920, US84 was built as a short roard between Georgia and Alabama. Today it is an east-west two to four-lane US Highway running hundreds of miles. 


The roads were in generally good shape with not showing too much pavement failure, however, there were significant signs of rutting. 


It was estimated that 15 percent of the total job mileage had to undergo rut filling prior to the scrath or leveling course was placed. According to Louisianna Department of Transportation and Development, using micro surfacing was the most ideal solution. Since using micro surfacing on US84, the District has gotten up to 10 years of service life from parish roads who have been treated with micro surfacing.


  • Micro Surfacing is applied over an entire 12-foot lane in a single pass.