Comparing 10 year Performance of CIR with Emulsion versus CIR with Expanded Asphalt on Highway 7, Perth, Ontario
Becca Lane and Warren Lee
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has been using CIR with emulsified asphalt since 1990. In 2003 they placed their first trial section of CIR using foamed or expanded asphalt (CIREAM) on Highway 7 east of Perth. A 5 km trial section of CIR with foamed asphalt was constructed adjacent to a 7 km section of CIR with emulsified asphalt. The test sections were monitored for performance over the next 10 years using the MTO's Automated Road Analyzer. The results indicated that both treatments are providing excellent long term performance and have been shown to significantly reduce or eliminate reflective cracking.
Materials Engineering and Research Office, Ontario Ministry of Transportation.
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