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CIR Revitalizes Colorado Mountain Pass
CIR Revitalizes Colorado Mountain Pass. See the full article by ASPHALTPRO staff at:

  1. Estimated savings of $19-35 per square yard for CIR compared to remove and replace
  2. Recycled approximately 2,667 cubic yards of pavement, in place


Jones Pass sits at an elevation of 12,454 feet in the Arapaho National Forest in Colorado. Jones Pass Road is the primary route for visitors to Jones Pass and for traffic to and from Henderson mine, a major source of molybdenum. The road is used for mining operations and for recreational use on the weekends.


Although only 1.75 miles in length, Jones Pass Road sees heavy truck traffic which had resulted in severe age-related distress including potholes, alligator cracking as well as transverse and longitudinal cracking. The remote location and high altitude presented additional challenges. Creek County was looking for a cost effective, sustainable solution for rehabilitation.


Atlas Austin, Texas was hired for engineering and design of the project for Creek County. CIR was selected for the design based on the condition of the road, as well as the cost savings and the reduction in material import/export compared to full removal and replacement. The selected design consisted of a 4-inch CIR followed by 5 inches of new hot mix asphalt (HMA). APC was the general contractor and APC Southern, a sister company with experience with CIR projects, paved the project. Coughlin Company, a SurfaceCycle company, performed the CIR using their Roadtec RX900e mill followed by their Roadtec RT500 recycling train. Atlas performed the CIR mix design and handled the CIR quality control. The CIR mix contained 3.5% engineered emulsion supplied by Suncor and 1.5% quicklime from Lhoist, applied as a slurry. Although an unexpected paving fabric was encountered during CIR construction, production was not affected, and the CIR portion of the project was completed in two weeks. Extra personnel were required to remove fabric from the screening deck. Creek County reported they were pleased with the completed project and hope they have extended the service life of the road surface by another 20 years.
