Soil Stabilization & Soil Modification

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Acceptance Resources

The information provided herein should be considered as guidelines, and are intended to be used in conjunction with the appropriate documents. Acceptance of modified and stabilized soils are primarily based on, but not always limited to, the items listed below. Construction of stabilized soil subgrades are similar to FDR and ARRA resources for FDR may be used as general guidelines. For detailed information on Acceptance Criteria for FDR, please refer to the The Basic Asphalt Recycling Manual, the ARRA Construction Guidelines FDR101FDR102FD103 and the ARRA QC Guidelines FDR301 and FDR302

Acceptance Guidelines


  • Modified Soil: Sample and test the soil for maximum PI if required by contract documents.   
  • Modifying/Stabilizing Agent Content: Bituminous stabilizing agent and slurried modifying/stabilizing agent content should be checked by evaluating the mass of treated material against the volume of modifying/stabilizing agent used for a single tanker. Dry modifying/stabilizing agent content should be checked by evaluating the mass of treated material applied against the area of application used for a single tanker or load or by using a canvas patch test. 


  • Compaction should be continuously monitored using nuclear density testing, or an owner agency approved method, throughout the time compaction is being completed to verify the compaction requirement is met. 


  • The finished surface and grade of the modified/stabilized material should be checked after placement and compaction using a 10 ft (3 m) straight-edge. The straight edge may be placed in any direction on the surface, except across the crown. 


  • After the modified/stabilized subgrade has been opened to traffic, surface appearance should be visually assessed for any raveling, segregation and rutting ensuring a uniform smooth texture