Soil Stabilization & Soil Modification
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Research & Performance

Improvement of soil strength using cement and lime admixtures
Prepared By: Bulbul Ahmed, Md. Abdul Alim, Md. Abu Sayeed

Cementitous Stabilization: Transportation in the New Millenium
Prepared By: Dallas N. Lttle, Texas A&M University; Eric H. Males, National Lime Association; Jan R. Prusinski; Barry Stewart, American Coal Ash Association

Cement Stabilization of Unpaved Roads
Prepared By: EDWARD J. HOPPE, Ph.D., P.E. Associate Principal Research Scientist; HARIKRISHNAN NAIR, Ph.D., P.E. Research Scientist

  The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of chemical stabilization practices on unpaved roads.  A 550-ft-long segment of Hurley Lane, a gravel road in Loudoun County, was selected for testing.  The construction technique known as full-depth reclamation (FDR) was used.  The existing unpaved road section was pulverized to a depth of 12 in and subsequently blended with 5% cement by weight using road reclaiming equipment.  The surface was then covered with a double chip seal.  The main objective of this project was to provide stability while still maintaining the appearance and “feel” of a gravel road.

Establishment of Best Practices for Construction and Design of Cement-Treated Materials
Prepared By: Resa S Ashtiani, et al.

The objectives of this Texas DOT funded study were to provide an update to the current TXDOT mixture design specification based on comprehensive laboratory testing and develop and calibrate a new generation fatigue performance model that accounts for strength and shrinkage cracking potential of cement treated aggregate base and subgrade soils.

Geochemistry of Soil Stabilization
Prepared By: Onyelowe Ken C. and Okoafor F. O. Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Umuahia, Nigeria Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria 2Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

This study was centered on elucidating the chemical reactions that bring about soil stabilization and modification.  It has been established that the chemical compounds found in soil; quartz, feldspar, dolomite, calcite, montmorillonite, kaolinite etc. react with the chemical constituents found in different identified chemical stabilizers. This research work will better place designers, constructors and researcher on the choice of soil chemical stabilizer and techniques and the extent of chemical reactions that take place during soil chemical stabilization.