Ultra Thin Lift HMA

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General Parameters & Advice

Only roads in good condition with a sound structural base should be treated with ultra thin asphalt.

Ultra thin lift asphalt is a preservation treatment designed for pavements that have adequate structural capacity and proper drainage. Ultra thin lift asphalt can address minor cracking and raveling, but should not be applied to address extensive failures such as alligatored cracking, rutting or shoving. Roadways with inconsistent profiles can require thicker lifts and present compaction challenges. 

Site Selection for Specific Distresses

 Site selection for specific distress:


While ultra thin lift asphalt is typically applied to roads in good conditions, this treatment can also be used to address specific pavement distresses early on.  


  • Loss of friction, oxidation and raveling.  
    • localized areas of more severe distress should be corrected prior to the ultra thin lift application.
  • Very fine cracking.  
    • Pavement with cracks that are too fine (<1/8" Width) for crack sealing may be addressed with an ultra thin lift application.    
  • Ultra thin lift applications are not intended to be a layer to prevent reflective cracking. Larger cracks should be crack sealed prior to the application of an ultra thin lift treatment.

Road Type, Surface, and Traffic Specifics

Ultra thin lift asphalt is typically applied to existing asphalt surfaces. Bonded wearing course, in which a heavy emulsion membrane is applied directly ahead of the application, is reccommended for application on higher volume and particularly on concrete surfaces.  


Ultra thin lift asphalt can be applied in any climate zone.  Due to the thinner application of typically no more than one inch in depth, it is recommended that thin lift asphalt be applied at higher minimum ambient and surface temperatures than traditional thicker asphalt mixes.