Ultra Thin Lift HMA

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Acceptance Resources

The information provided below should be considered as guidelines, and are intended to be used in conjunction with the appropriate documents. Acceptance of these mixtures and mat are primarily based on, but not always limited to, the items listed below. 

Acceptance Guidelines


  • AGGREGATE GRADATION: Aggregate should be sampled and tested for particle size distribution prior to the addition of binder and/or from aggregte recovered for mix samples 
  • ASPHALT CONTENT: Asphalt content should be checked using the meter on the plant and verified by determining asphalt content of plant produced samples. 
  • ADDITIVE CONTENT: Additive content should be checked using the meter on the plant and verified by evaluating the mass of additive applied against the area of application used. 
  • MIXTURE PROPERTIES: Mixture properties, if required, should be evaluated by compacting samples of plant produced material and comparing results to mix design properties 


If required, compaction should be continuously monitored using nuclear density testing, or an owner agency approved method, throughout the time compaction is being completed to verify the compaction requirement is met. Obtain pavement cores and verify compaction, if required by contract documents.  

  • For ultra thin lifts applications of less than 1" depth, a nuclear gauge may not provide accurate test results. It is important to design and strictly follow an established roller pattern to ensure density.


The finished surface and grade of the mixture should be checked regularly during placement using a 10 ft (3 m) straight-edge. The straight edge may be placed in any direction on the surface, except across the crown.