Cold In-Place Recycling
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Limerick Township, Montgomery County, PA Uses Cold-In-Place Recycling As Part of It's Pavement Preservation Program

In Limerick Township, 30 miles outside Philadelphia-- one thing is clear—the Township takes their pavement preservation seriously.

As impressive, is the municipality's fundamental understanding that “mill & fill” is not as cost effective as pavement preservation—so much so that they are able to move most needed paving operations in-house. 

  1. 30-50% savings over traditional reconstruction (mill & fill) methods
  2. Same day return to traffic
  3. Restores road to ideal condition including profile of road with the benefit of improved drainage
  4. Using CSS1-h Asphalt Emulsion allows for a strong base


The growth Limerick has experienced allowed them to establish a pavement maintenance program utilizing many preservation techniques—from micro surfacing & seal coating, to crack sealing, to the (clearly occasional) pothole—to Cold-In-Place Recycling. What was once a rural farming town, is now experiencing traffic that the current roadway infrastructure was not designed for.  The added stresses of this traffic has caused many roads to have fatigue cracking, thermal cracking, and reflective cracking.   


Limerick Township is an area outside of Philadelphia that experienced the "suburban sprawl" we all know of, with signifcant residential & commercial development, including a nuclear power plant!  The roads had signficant stresses including fatigue cracking, no profiling, and other common problems found with rural farm roads.  


Limerick has been utilizing Cold-In-Place Recycling for over 30 years to maximize their road budget over traditional methods of reconstruction.  This type of presveration approach has also allowed them to utilize micro-surfacing, chip seal, and fog seal.  


  • Existing asphalt and new asphalt base after recycle
  • Cold-In-Place Recycling "train" with tanker of CSS1-h emulsion hooked onto milling machine.
  • Cold-In-Place Recycling "train" with tanker of CSS1-h emulsion hooked onto milling machine and paver.