Base Stabilization
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As with all road construction projects, keeping residents and road users notified and informed of upcoming activities is helpful in minimizing confusion, motorist delays and complaints. Extra care should be taken to adequately inform the public and other stakeholders regarding the work.

Notification practices vary from agency to agency and from job to job, but some common forms of notification include one or more of the following:

  • Letters and/or emails to all affected parties
  • Hand-delivered notices to properties abutting the project
  • Temporary "No Parking" signs at appropriate intervals on the project
  • Electronic message boards set up in advance of the work
  • Reverse 911 automated telephone messages to property owners
  • Posting project information on the agency's website
  • Social media messaging of the upcoming work
  • Conventional media (TV, radio and newspaper) notices


Notification message content varies, but usually includes the following information to address six basic questions:

  • What? (a brief description of the treatment being used)
  • Where? (the street names and limits of the work for each)
  • When? (the days, dates and hours of work including a proviso for weather or other unforseen delays)
  • Why? (an explanation of the treatment being applied and the expected benefits)
  • How? (a general sequence of construction events including their potential impacts on travel times and roadway use)
  • Who? (the names of those involved with the project including who to contact with questions)

A thoughfully concieved and executed notification plan can greatly enhance public satisfaction with pavement recycling.

General Preparation

Preexisting grades should mirror proposed grades. Cuts and fills on existing contours should be completed prior to Base Stabilization.   

Don’t forget to take into consideration:

  • Obtain necessary permits
  • Identify all utilities within the construction area and lower or mark out locations, if applicable
  • Identify bulk water source, if applicable
  • Plan site route accessibility and egresses
  • Set up traffic control so traffic can be safety piloted or flagged around the work area, if applicable
  • Determine staging locations for equipment
  • Hold pre-construction personnel training on base stabilization for agency, contractor, quality assurance, inspectors
  • In urban areas, notify the public about upcoming work.